Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 officially release on October 25



we heard two week ago  that Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 might be realese on  October 15. The company announced the launch date of the new Mi Mix 3. The Mi Mix 3 will arrive on October 25, and it appears the sliding camera mechanism is real, according to the company.Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 was initially  with a Find X-esque notch that comes up, but after further details, it might be 100% screen-to-body front with a sliding back. There’s also the technical possibility that the display is sliding and the back is stationary, depending on your point of view.
We are yet to learn more about the specs of the phone, but we already hear
 the Mi Mix 3 might arrive with AI dedicated button that will activate Xiao AI. The service came preloaded with Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S, but this is the first time Xiaomi is implementing a hardware solution for its assistant.

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