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Set Up a Blog on Wix, Step by Step

Blogging has never been easier! You can create a stunning blog on Wix in just a few simple steps. Pick a template, customize the blog’s look and feel, connect your domain and start writing! 

Step 1: Pick a Template or Add a Blog To Your Website

Pick a Template
Ready to create your blog? 
If you don’t yet have a website, sign into Wix.com and start perusing their templates. Under the “Blog” category on the Wix template page, you’ll see dozens of fully-customizable designs to choose from. If you don’t like one of the blog designs, you can also start from one of Wix’s blank templates. 

Find the template you like best and click on “Edit.” 

Add a Blog to Your Current Website
You can also add a blog to an existing Wix website in a few simple steps. From inside the Wix editor, click on the green Blog icon on the side menu. Then, select “Add Now” and a new blog page will automatically be added to the menu of your website. Once the blog component is on your site, you can click on the blog icon at any time to manage your blog or add new posts. Or, you can go to the Pages menu, click on your blog page and make changes directly on the page.

Step 2: Organize the Layout

The next step is to customize the design of your template or blog page to fit your needs and the unique flavor of your brand. You can reorganize the layout, change colors, choose fonts and add or remove elements on the page. You should also replace the template stock images with your own pictures. Try to choose images, fonts and colors that match the tone of the blog you want to create. 

For example, Leon chose pictures for his bike shop that showcase the beauty of Long Island. Since his target market enjoys exercising and being outdoors, his blog is packed with images that show people cycling, working out and enjoying time in nature. He used touches of orange and red in his color scheme to create an energetic, motivational feel on his website. 

If you’re not sure what elements you want in your blog at this early stage, don’t worry! Another great benefit of Wix is that you can easily change any aspect of your site at any time. That means colors, fonts and images, as well as special features like a blog sign up box, a list of recent posts or a tag cloud of popular subjects that you write about in your posts. 

Step 3: Choose a Name

Once you’re happy with how your new blog looks, it’s time to officially christen your blog with a name. This task shouldn’t be taken lightly; you want to select just the right name for your blog. An ideal name should make reference to what your business does or what your blog posts will be about. Depending on what you plan to blog about, you may want a name that’s fun, quirky or memorable. Oftentimes, blog titles include a double meaning or pun. 

That being said, you want to choose a name that fits the tone and branding of your business and your subject matter. “Leon’s Wheels” is fun, short and easy to remember; plus it relates to his business. If you run a law firm, on the other hand, then a humorous blog name could deter from the level of professionalism that you are trying to convey in your writing. Consider your target readers when thinking of names. Who are the people you want reading your blog and what kind of name will they find interesting or easy to recall?

Make a list of several names and then run them by a few people you trust. If you’re feeling stuck, check out some blogs in your field for inspiration and ideas. Or, take a look at your list of keywords. These words can help you think about the main ideas that you want to emphasize in your blog. (Plus, Google will love it if you include keywords in your blog name.)

Choosing a domain
Once you have a great idea for the name of your blog, you will need to check and see if a domain is available. To do so, visit the domains page on Wix.com and enter the name of your blog. If the exact name you are looking for isn’t available, you can either change the domain extension or use one of the similar suggestions that Wix offers. Leon, for example, went with www.leonswheelsbikeshop.com. This domain incorporated both the name of his shop (“Leon’s Wheels”) and one of his main keywords (“bikeshop”). 

Found the perfect name?
Great! Place it conspicuously as a title in the top of your blog. Then, save the blog with the new name. We’ll show you how to connect your blog to your new domain in Step 6. 

Step 4: Write the Title and Description

Remember those key phrases you chose earlier? Now it’s time to use them in two short, texts about your blog called a title and description. These texts, known as meta-tags, have a strong impact in how you rank on Google.

Your title appears at the top of a Google result. It should be less than 60 characters long and include the name of your blog. Your description appears below your title and should summarize what your blog is about. Keep it under 160 characters.
To customize the meta tags on your Wix site, click the Pages Menu and then select your Home Page. Click on Page SEO. Then, add your custom title and description in the boxes provided.

Writing good meta tags
Your title and description should include some of your keywords, but remember to write for humans. The meta tags should be written in a way that’s easy to understand and will entice readers to come from Google to your blog. Make sure your title and description accurately describe your blog and what it’s about. 

Step 5: Write Your First Post

Congratulations! Your blog is set up. Now it’s time to start writing! To add your first post to your blog, you can start by editing the placeholder posts that came with your template or click on “Add a New Blog Post” under the blog menu. 

Step 6: Connect Your Domain

Now that your blog design and layout are complete and you’ve written your first post (or two), you’re ready to connect your custom domain and go live! To do so, you will first need to upgrade your blog to one of the Wix Premium Plans. Most plans come with a coupon for one year free domain. 

The Premium Plans also allow you to remove all Wix ads from your site and take advantage of more storage space, a wider bandwidth and the ability to connect your blog to Google Analytics so you can track the traffic to your blog.

From the Wix editor, click on Upgrade and select the plan that best fits your needs. You’ll receive a coupon for your one year free domain and be invited to connect a custom domain to your brand new blog.

Wait! Before you tell the world...
Keep in mind that it may take a day or two for the blog to be live on your new domain. Don’t send out the link to friends, family or customers until you’ve checked that the new domain connects to your site.

Step 7: Optimize for Mobile

Once your blog is set up, you want to take a few minutes to make sure it looks good on mobile. This is important for two main reasons: First of all, chances are that many people will read your blog from a mobile device. Second of all, Google penalizes sites that are not optimized for mobile. To help you create your mobile-optimized blog, Wix offers an easy-to-use mobile editor so you can customize the layout and select the information that you want to include on the mobile version of your site. 

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