5 highest paying programming languages right now!


5 highest paying programming languages right now!  

highest paying programming languages

 If you are a programmer and about to enter the market for job search, an important concern for you is to decide which programming language has the most demand and will give you a good salary. Although, there is no exact answer to that as technology keeps on evolving and what is in demand right now might be obsolete in the next ten years.But your immediate concern can be removed, here are the 5 programming languages that are         in high demand in local and international technology arena.

1. Java

Java is a versatile programming language. Being an object oriented and a “code once run everywhere” type of language, it is highly in demand right now and good skills in Java can help you earn good bucks!

2. Python

Due to increase in support from giants like Google and NASA, this simple and easy to read language has increased its value many times in the past years. Good Python developers can earn up to $100,000 per annum in international destinations like USA or UK.

3. R

Also known as GNU S, this programming language is specially designed for highly graphical and statistical tasks. Due to its unique position in the data mining and graphic designing fields, it can also help earn a skilled individual very satisfying salary.

4. Objective-C

Objective-C is developed and maintained by Apple itself. It is widely used across all platforms in Apple including OSX and iOS. This reliance of Apple on Objective-C has helped it become one of the most demanded programming languages. With a good understanding of underlying APIs, a developer can expect a bright future around this language.

5. C#

Seen widely as Microsoft’s answer to Java, C# has built a strong following of users dependent on Microsoft platforms. With inclusion of tools like Xamarin, which allow development for Android and iOS in native C#, this language is finally getting the attention it deserves. Right now, C# developers are in demand and can expect a job as soon as they enter the market.
All of these programming languages are high in demand and can be expected to earn a skilled individual a great deal of money. However, there are a lot of other ways to earn from tech industry too.

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